Anti-Glamour Life:)


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30 seconds to Mars

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Биография: Джаред Лето [ Jared Leto ] - вокал, гитара
Солон Бикслер [ Solon Bixler ] - гитара
Мэтт Уочтер [ Matt Wachter ] - бас-гитара
Шэннон Лето [ Shannon Leto ] - ударные
и бывший член команды
Кевин Дрейк [ Kevin Drake ] - гитара

Фронтмэном группы является Джаред Лето [ Jared Leto ], который известен по таким фильмам, как "Реквием по мечте" [ "Requiem For A Dream" ], "Бойцовский клуб" [ "Fight Club" ], недавнему "Комната Страха" [ "Panic Room" ], а также шоу "Моя, так называемая, жизнь" [ "My So Called Life" ].

Добро пожаловать во Вселенную. Взрываясь атмосферой, мощью и мелодикой, их песни одновременно заставляют задуматься о конце света и о смысле жизни, наполненные героями, которые сражаются с отчуждением, паранойей и темными наваждениями, предвидя свой побег из этого мира.

30 Seconds To Mars - это захватывающая и одаренная воображением группа из Южной Калифорнии. Они спродюссировали свой одноименный альбом на лейбле Immortal/Virgin вместе с легендарным Бобом Эзрином [ Bob Ezrin ] и новичком в этом деле Брайаном Вёрчу [ Brian Virtue ] (группа Jane` s Addiction). Они отыскали Эзрина, потому что росли, слушая его сногсшибательные работы с Pink Floyd, Kiss и Элисом Купером [ Alice Cooper ], и поняли, что он был единственным, кто мог помочь им воплотить размер и масштаб того, чего они хотели достигнуть на своем дебютном альбоме. Широкоформатное звучание коллектива, наполненное адреналином и тонкостями, балансирует на грани тяжелых гитарных партий с вокалом, воспевающим нечто высшее, и органическим синтезатором с электронной основой.

Даже до выпуска альбома шум вокруг них был настолько велик, что группа Puddle Of Mudd предприняла несвойственный им шаг, и пригласила 30 Seconds To Mars открыть для них 6-недельный тур весной 2002 года, несмотря на то, что группа была абсолютно не известна, и никто пока не слышал их музыки на радиостанциях.

Восприняв влияния таких грандов, как Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin и Rush, также как Брайана Эно [ Brian Eno ] и The Cure, 30 Seconds To Mars переступает пределы хаоса современного мира, позволяя слушателю представить себя где-то вдалеке от него. Само название команды взывает к ускоренному обществу, в котором мы живем, предполагая, что побег от него может быть всего лишь в нескольких секундах от нас. Парение Марса над нами всегда было иконографическим образом, уже не говоря о том, что он является богом Войны. Композиции 30 Seconds To Mars - реальные истории и эпизоды из жизни, которые бросают вызов личному опыту человека. Что же касается тексов, то песни наполнены метафорами и элементами фантазии, которые захватывают ваше воображение.

В таких песнях, как динамичная "Capricorn (A Brand New Name)", с упоминанием о таинственном исчезновении и предчувствующей "The End Of The Beginning", с парящим вокалом и напряженным ритмом, 30 Seconds To Mars создают поражающе неповторимое настроение, скорее даже, чем картину. Получая удовольствие от долга художника, а не просто представляя очевидное, группа толкает себя в окружение звука, который они создали, оставляя характерный несмываемый след. В провокационной "Oblivion", пульсирующая гитара и клавишные приводят к неистовому предупреждению: "Everybody run now, everybody run now" [ "Бегите все сейчас же, бегите все сейчас же" ]. Мощный вокал, убедительные гитарные риффы и драматичное повествование главенствуют в "Buddha For Mary", истории о "девушке иного склада" [ "different girl" ], которой "всегда нравилось летать" [ "always liked to fly" ] и которая имела "влечение к астронавтам" [ "a thing for astronauts" ]. Живя на Марсе, что было ей крайне необходимо, она "оставляла политику для сумасшедших" [ "leave the politics to madmen" ].

30 Seconds To Mars вступили в отчуждение Биг Скай Каунтри [ big sky country ] в Вайоминге [ Wyoming ], чтобы записать дебютный альбом. Команда и Эзрин выбрали пустой склад на 15-ти тысячах акров, борясь за точное расположение, что улучшило бы их звучание. Начался интенсивный период записи с маниакального отбора из около 50-ти ранее написанных песен. После начального хаоса, между музыкантами и продюсером образовались плодотворные взаимоотношения, что и привело к художественной атмосфере, благоприятно повлиявшей во всех отношениях на дебют группы. Расширившиеся границы помогли напитать их воображение и игру. Хотя песни и были уже написаны, практически ничего не осталось неизмененным по мере того, как они воплощали их в гитарные рифы и тоны, шаг за шагом, и конструировали каждую ноту и деталь, чтобы достичь своей цели.

В то время, как герои их песен участвуют в собственных поисках, 30 Seconds To Mars вовлечены в свой поиск, направленный на получение нечто уникального в сегодняшнем мире подконтрольной коммерческой музыки - чего-то с глубиной и сущностью, работы, которая проживет вечно
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Альбомы: 30 Seconds to Mars (2002)
A Beautiful Lie (2005)
Клипы: From Yesterday
Дата релиза: 04/12/2006

The Kill
Дата релиза: 05/05/2006

Дата релиза: 01/09/2005

Edge Of The Earth
Дата релиза: 22/03/2003

Capricorn (A Brand New Name)
Дата релиза: 06/08/2002
Биография: Cостав группы:
Джаред Лето [ Jared Leto ] - вокал, гитара
Шэннон Лето [ Shannon Leto ] - ударные
Томо Милишевич [ Tomo Milicevic ] - гитара

и бывшие члены команды
Мэтт Уочтер [ Matt Wachter ] - бас-гитара
Солон Бикслер [ Solon Bixler ] - гитара
Кевин Дрейк [ Kevin Drake ] - гитара
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Биография: Бас-гитара Тим Келлехер (Tim Kelleher) заменяет ушедшего 3 марта Мэтта Уоткера, пока не является официальным участником "30 Seconds To Mars" и не участвует в фото и афтограф сессиях
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Неофициальные сайты:
Клипы: From yesterday (2006)
А также клипы можно скачать на сайте:
В разделе мультимедия.
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Биография: Шеннон Лето (ударные) не является бывшим барабанщиком, он ныне и прежде действующие "ударные группы", так же как и брат Джарет Лето ни когда не покидал группу, ввиду чего указанная вами информации "бывший" является не корректной.
Спасибо за внимание, примите меры.
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Биография: Бас-гитара Мэтт Воктер покинул группу 3 марта этого года, на земену ему пришел Тим Келлехэр (Tim Kelleher), пока он не официальный участник группы, и он не участвует в интервью и фотосессиях. Так решила группа.
Информация добавленная пользователем
Альбомы: 30 seconds to mars - 2002
a beautiful lie - 2005
Информация добавленная пользователем
Жанры: Progressive Rock, Alternative
Клипы: Capricorn (A Brand New Name) - 2003
Edge Of The Earth - 2003
Attack - 2005
The Kill - 2005

(найти клипы можно здесь - раздел Concept Videos)
Информация добавленная пользователем
Альбомы: 30 seconds to mars - 2002
a beautiful lie - 2005



тыц-тыц)))наташа,выложи тексты песен)



не могу выложить,пробач



постараюсь простить)))




30 Seconds To Mars - The Kill

What if I wanted to break
Laugh it all off in your face
What would you do? (Oh, oh)
What if I fell to the floor
Couldn't take all this anymore
What would you do, do, do?

Come break me down
Bury me, bury me
I am finished with you

What if I wanted to fight
Beg for the rest of my life
What would you do?
You say you wanted more
What are you waiting for?
I'm not running from you (from you)

Come break me down
Bury me, bury me
I am finished with you
Look in my eyes
You're killing me, killing me
All I wanted was you

I tried to be someone else
But nothing seemed to change
I know now, this is who I really am inside.
Finally found myself
Fighting for a chance.
I know now, this is who I really am.

Ah, ah
Oh, oh
Ah, ah

Come break me down
Bury me, bury me
I am finished with you, you, you.
Look in my eyes
You're killing me, killing me
All I wanted was you

Come break me down (bury me, bury me)
Break me down (bury me, bury me)
Break me down (bury me, bury me)

(You say you wanted more)
What if I wanted to break...?
(What are you waiting for?)
Bury me, bury me
(I'm not running from you)
What if I
What if I
What if I
What if I
Bury me, bury me






гы) от ещё

30 Seconds To Mars - From Yesterday

He's a stranger to some
And a vision to none
He can never get enough,
Get enough of the one

For a fortune he'd quit
But it's hard to admit
How it ends and begins
On his face is a map of the world
(A map of the world)
On his face is a map of the world
(A map of the world)
From yesterday, it's coming!
From yesterday, the fear!
From yesterday, it calls him
But he doesn't want to read the message here

On a mountain he sits, not of gold but of shit
through the blood he can learn, see the life that it turn
From council of one
He'll decide when he's done with the innocent

On his face is a map of the world
(A map of the world)
On his face is a map of the world
(A map of the world)

From yesterday, it's coming!
From yesterday, the fear!
From yesterday, it calls him
But he doesn't want to read the message here
But he doesn't want to read the message here
But he doesn't want to read the message here

On his face is a map of the world

From yesterday, it's coming!
From yesterday, the fear!
From yesterday, it calls him
But he doesn't want to read the message here
From yesterday,
From yesterday,
From yesterday, the fear
From yesterday,
From yesterday
But he doesn't want to read the message here
But he doesn't want to read the message here
But he doesn't want to read the message here









не поняла?че вы выложили тексты???



ну это ж тема про эту группу и тексты песен этой группы)))вот и выложили)))



30seconds написал(а):

не поняла?че вы выложили тексты???

гагага))))))))))) а шо тут странного?



ну я по идее должна эт делать или нет?



это могут делать все. если у тебя нету текстов песен, то это может сделать тот, у кого они есть



а я ещё хо текстов...



щас поищу



Capricorn (A Brand New Name)

So I run, hide and tear myself up
Start again with a brand new name
And eyes that see into infinity
I will disappear
I told you once and I'll say it again
I want my message read clear
I'll show you the way, the way I'm going

So I run, and hide and tear myself up
Start again with a brand new name
And eyes that see into infinity
I was almost there
Just a moment away from becoming unclear
Ever get the feeling you're gone
I'll show you the way, the way I'm going
So I run, and hide and tear myself up
I'll start again with a brand new name
And eyes that see into infinity

So I run, start again
With a brand new name
With a brand new name

So I run and hide and tear myself up (so I run)
I'll start again with a brand new name (start again)
And eyes that see into infinity (with a brand new name)

I will disappear



"Edge Of The Earth"

You know enough to know the way
Six billion people just one name (I found)
I found tomorrow in today
Apocalyptic and insane, my dreams will never change
You wanna be the one in control
You wanna be the one who's alive
You wanna be the one who's old
It's not a matter of luck, it's just a matter of time

Stand out on the edge of the earth

Stand out on the edge of the earth
Dive into the center of fate
Walk right inthe sight of a gun
Look into the new future's face

I know you know enough to say
I know you know enough to play a game

You wanna be the one in control
You wanna be the one who's alive
You wanna be the one who's old
It's not a matter of luck, it's just a matter of time

Stand out on the edge of the earth
Dive into the center of fate
Walk right in the sight of a gun
Look into this new future's face

Stand out on the edge of the earth
Dive into the center of fate
Walk right inside of the gun
Look into the new future's face

(Stand out on the edge of the earth)

Stand out on the edge of the earth
Stand out on the edge of the earth
(Look into the new future's face)
Stand out on the edge of the earth
Dive into the center of fate
Walk right in the sight of a gun
Look into the new future's face




Yeah, I've been to Jupiter
And I've fallen through the air
I used to live out on the moon
But now I'm back here down on earth
Why are you here?
Are you listening?
Can you hear what I am saying?
I am not here, I'm not listening
I'm in my head and I'm spinning

Is this who you are?
Some sweet violent urge
A weak fallen man
With the promise of an end?

All the pretty people died
Innocence is out of style
All the whores have gone away
Now there's nothing left for me

Why are you here, are you listening?
Can you hear what I am saying?
I am not here, I'm not listening
I'm in my head and I'm spinning

Is this who you are?
Some sweet violent urge
A weak fallen man
With the promise of an end?

Is this who you are?
Some sweet violent urge
A weak fallen man
With the promise of an end?




The enemy arrives
Escape into the night
Everybody run now
Everybody run now
Break into another time
This enemy alive
Divinity defines
Everybody run now
Everybody run now
Everybody run now
Everybody run
Under the burning sun
I take a look around
Imagine if this all came down
I'm waiting for the day to come

Come with us to the ride
Join in the fight
Everybody run now
Everybody run now
Break into another time
Unity divides
Division will unite
Everybody run now
Everybody run now
Everybody run now
Everybody run

Under the burning sun
I take a look around
Imagine if this all came down
I'm waiting for the day to come

Under the burning sun
I take a look around
Imagine if this all came down
America it's all so beautiful
Until it comes away

Under the burning sun I take a look around
Imagine if this all came down
Under the burning sun I take a look around
Imagine if this all came down
Under the burning sun I take a look around
Imagine if this all came



"Buddha For Mary"

A simple fear to wash you away
An open mind canceled it today
A silent song that's in your words
A different taste that's in your mind

This is the life on mars

Mary was a different girl
Had a thing for astronauts
Mary was the type of girl
She always liked to play a lot
Mary was a holy girl
Father wet her appetite
Mary was the type of girl
She always liked to fall apart

Tell me did you see her face
Tell me did you smell her taste
Tell me what’s the difference
Don’t they all just look the same inside?
Buddha for Mary, Here it comes

Mary was an acrobat
But still she couldn’t seem to breathe
Mary was becoming everything she didn’t want to be
Mary would hallucinate
And see the sky upon the wall
Mary was the type of girl
She always liked to fly

Tell me did you see her face
Tell me did you smell her taste
Tell me what’s the difference
Don’t they all just look the same inside?
Buddha for Mary, Here it comes
Buddha for Mary, Here it comes

This is the life on mars

He said, "Can you here me, are you sleeping"
She said, "Will you rape me now?"
He said, "Leave the politics to mad men"
She said, "I believe your lies"
He said, "There’s a paradise beneath me"
She said, "Am I supposed to bleed?"
He said, "You better pray to Jesus"
She said, "I don’t believe in god"

Mary was a different girl
Had a thing for astronauts
Mary was the type of girl
She always liked to play a lot
Mary was a holy girl
Father wet her appetite
Mary was the type of girl
She always liked to fall apart

Tell me did you see her face
Tell me did you smell her taste
Tell me what’s the difference
Don’t they all just look the same inside?
See her face, smell her taste
What’s the difference?
Don’t they all just look the same inside?

A simple fear to wash you away
An open mind cancelled it today




Look at the red red changes in the sky
Look at the separation in the border line
But don't look at everything here inside
And be afraid, afraid to speak your mind

It took a moment before I lost myself in here
It took a moment and I could not be found?
Again and again and again and again I see your face in everything
It took a moment the moment it could not be found?

What's with the fascination with the Echelon
What's with the constant questions that you have this time
What's with this circumstancial consequence
Find oversight before this night will ever rise again
It's all you've got inside your head, better get up and leave instead

It took a moment before I lost myself in here
It took a moment and I could not be found?
Again and again and again and again I see your face in everything
It took a moment the moment it could not be found?

To find ourselves lost here within we need reasons why
So we take this bridge with the other's that will thrive in the great divide

Look at the red red changes in the sky

Again and again and again and again I see your face in everything
Again and again and again and again I see your face in everything

It took a moment before I lost myself in here
It took a moment and I could not be found?
Again and again and again and again I see your face in everything
It took a moment the moment it could not be found?



"Welcome To The Universe"

And so the time has come, it's here
The silence ends, change is near
You wait in the palid slivered sky
Come into the pantheon

Welcome to the universe
Welcome to the universe

If there's a past into the clear
We better take the pace
Erase this face
In constant search for everything

You wait in the palid slivered sky
Come into the pantheon

Welcome to the universe
Welcome to the universe
Welcome to the universe
Welcome to the universe

A new day has begun



"The Mission"

I open up my head
Inside I find another person's mind
I'm gonna take this chance I've got
I run denying as we speak
Hiding my face among the weak
Some say their day is all away
Into the wild
I'm with a mission
Over the hill
Come here with me

Into the wild
Into the wild

High above the serpentine
I cross below the well-worn lines
Entangled in a missing memory
I find an oversight
I formed this sword that will give rise
To something the world is here to seize

Into the wild
Into the wild

Into the wild
I'm with a mission
Over the hill
Come here with me

Into the wild
I'm with a mission
Over the hill
Come here with me



"End Of The Beginning"

Here we are searching for a sign
Here we are searching for a sign
It's the end here today
But I will build a new beginning
Take some time, find a place
And I will start my own religion

As the day divides the night
Here we are searching for a sign

Watch the men multiply
See them ease out of the circle
Watch your friends run and hide
Help them fall back in this cycle

Here we are searching

You saw what you get
If you take what you take
Look in the eye of the test
It's all because...
Now there's a feeling I get
When I look to the left
But it should never be sensed
Our searching for a sign

Can you feel it?
Things are changing
Can you see it?
Watch as the worlds colliding
Can you see it?
Can you feel it?
Watch as the worlds...
Collide into themselves
Collide into themselves

Another time, another place
Another time, another place
Some paradigm has shunned the race
Some paradigm has shunned the race

You saw what you get
If you take what you take
Look in the eye of the test
It's all because...
Now there's a feeling I get
When I look to the left
But it should never be sensed
Our searching for a sign

You saw what you get
If you take what you take
Look in the eye of the test
It's all because...
Now there's a feeling I get
When I look to the left
But it should never be sensed
Our searching for a sign



"93 Million Miles"

Where does your garden grow?
Tell me the secrets that you know
Another time, another place
Where are the holy ones?
Selling the secret to the sun
Welcome to the Universe
Cross the line
Lose your mind
Come crawl inside

Hey, hey
What've you got?
Doesn't matter to me 'cause I don't want them
I'm not the only one

The unified divide
Among and then deny
Now could you kindly cut to the chase?
It's like some other song
Pretty but something's always wrong
Show me the secret ancient sign

Cross the line
Lose your mind
Come crawl inside

Hey, hey
What've you got?
Doesn't matter to me 'cause I don't want them
I'm not the only one

Hey, hey
What've you got?
Doesn't matter to me 'cause I don't want them
I'm not the only one

It's in your eyes
Come break me down
Come break me

Hey, hey
What've you got?
Doesn't matter to me 'cause I don't want them
I'm not the only one

Hey, hey
What've you got?
Doesn't matter to me 'cause I don't want them
I'm not the only one

What've you got?



"Year Zero"

Be a hero
Kill your ego
It doesn't matter it's all just a pack of lies
Build a new base
Steal a new face
It doesn't matter it's all just to save you
We'll never fade away
We'll never fade away

I will stand by your ground
I will tear down myself
I won't fade

Year zero
Another hero
Is anybody alive here across the line?
Buy a new face
Start a new race
It doesn't matter it's all just to save your face
It's all just to save you
It's all just to save your face
It's all just to save you

We'll never fade away
We'll never fade away

I will stand by your ground
I will tear down myself
I will stand by your ground
I will tear down myself
I won't fade
I won't fade

We'll never fade away
We'll never fade away
We'll never fade away
We'll never fade away

We'll never fade away
We'll never fade away (We will never fade away)
We'll never fade away (We will never fade away)
We'll never fade away (We will never fade away)
We'll never fade away (We will never fade)
We'll never fade away (We will never fade away)
We'll never fade away (We will never fade)
We'll never fade away




I won't suffer, be broken, get tired, or wasted
Surrender to nothing, or give up what I
Started and stopped it, from end to beginning
A new day is coming, and I am finally free

Run away, run away, I'll attack
Run away, run away, go chase yourself
Run away, run away, now I'll attack
I'll attack, I'll aa-WHOOOAAAAAAAAA

I would have kept you, forever, but we had to sever
It ended for both of us, faster than a
Kill off this thinking, it's starting to sink in
I'm losing control now, and without you I can finally see

Run away, run away, I'll attack
Run away, run away, go change yourself
Run away, run away, now I'll attack
I'll attack, I'll aa-WHOOOAAAAAAAAA

Your promises, they look like lies
Your honesty, like a back that hides a knife (knife)
I promise you (promise you)
I promise you (promise you)
And I am finally free

Run away, run away, I'll attack
Run away, run away, go change yourself
Run away, run away, now I'll attack
I'll attack, I'll attack, I will attack

Run away, I'll attack, I will attack
Run away, I'll attack, I will attack

Run away (Run away), I'll attack (I'll attack)

Your promises
(promises, promises)
I promise you
(promise you)
I promise you
(promise you, promise you)



"A Beautiful Lie"

Lie awake in bed at night
And think about your life
Do you want to be different?
Try to let go of the truth
The battles of your youth
'Cause this is just a game

It's a beautiful lie
It's the perfect denial
Such a beautiful lie to believe in
So beautiful, beautiful it makes me

It's time to forget about the past
To wash away what happened last
Hide behind an empty face
Don't ask too much, just say
'Cause this is just a game

Everyone's looking at me
I'm running around in circles, baby
A quiet desperation's building higher
I've got to remember this is just a game

So beautiful, beautiful...



"The Kill"

What if I wanted to break
Laugh it all off in your face
What would you do? (Oh, oh)
What if I fell to the floor
Couldn't take all this anymore
What would you do, do, do?

Come break me down
Bury me, bury me
I am finished with you

What if I wanted to fight
Beg for the rest of my life
What would you do?
You say you wanted more
What are you waiting for?
I'm not running from you (from you)

Come break me down
Bury me, bury me
I am finished with you
Look in my eyes
You're killing me, killing me
All I wanted was you

I tried to be someone else
But nothing seemed to change
I know now, this is who I really am inside.
Finally found myself
Fighting for a chance.
I know now, this is who I really am.

Ah, ah
Oh, oh
Ah, ah

Come break me down
Bury me, bury me
I am finished with you, you, you.
Look in my eyes
You're killing me, killing me
All I wanted was you

Come break me down (bury me, bury me)
Break me down (bury me, bury me)
Break me down (bury me, bury me)

(You say you wanted more)
What if I wanted to break...?
(What are you waiting for?)
Bury me, bury me
(I'm not running from you)
What if I
What if I
What if I
What if I
Bury me, bury me


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